James 1:27 " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

China Intinerary

We area leaving for China next Wednesday, August 31st.  I can't believe the day is almost here when we will meet our sweet little boy.  We are very excited and very nervous!  We appreciate any and all prayers for a safe travels and a successful transition.
Itinerary for Jiangsu Province

Sep. 1
Arrive in Beijing at 3:15 p.m. on United flight 851. A guide will receive your family at the airport and help you check in at the hotel.
Sep. 2
Vist the Great Wall and Summer Palace. Have a Chinese lunch.
Sep. 3
Visit the Forbidden City and do a Hutong Tour.
Sep. 4
Transfer to Nanjing
Sep. 5
Meet Carsen at the Jiangsu Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning.
Sep. 6
Complete the adoption proceedings at the Jiangsu Civil Affairs Bureau in the morning.
Sep. 7
Visit the Xuanwu Lake and have a Chinese lunch.
Sep. 8
Visit Xuzhou SWI
Sep. 9
Receive Carsen’s Chinese passport in the afternoon and fly to Guangzhou
Sep. 10
Complete the medical exam and review paperwork.
Sep. 11
Visit the Chen Clan Academy and have a Chinese lunch.
Sep. 12
Visit the Yuntai Garden.
Sep. 13
U.S. Consulate appointment at 10:00 a.m. to deliver paperwork and do oath-taking ceremony. 
Sep. 14
Receive Carsen’s U.S. visa at the Consulate in the afternoon.
Departure for Hong Kong by train in late afternoon.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Today we were informed by our agency that we have our Travel Approval! We now have to request an appointment at the US Consulate. We are requesting one the week of September 12 or the 19th. Depending on which appointment we get we will either leave for China on August 31st or September 8th. We should know more about our itinerary by the first of next week, but either way we will be hugging Carsen for the first time in 2 or 3 weeks!

Monday, August 15, 2011

An update and new pictures

We received an update and new pictures today of Carsen. He is now 31 inches tall and weighs just over 20 pounds. He can crawl and stand holding onto something. He is a good eater, he eats fruit, rice, noodles, vegtables, congee and meats. He likes to play with balls, noise making toys and things that are brightly colored.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Officially Awaiting Travel Approval

We were notified by our agency today that their in country facilitator had picked up our Article 5 from the US Consulate and forwarded it to the CCCWA.  That means were officially waiting on the final step, which is Travel Approval, then we will be able to travel to meet Carsen!  Travel approval usually takes 2-4 weeks, then travel typically occurs 1-3 weeks later.  We really, really hope to travel in early-mid September.  It is really starting to feel real, like this might really happen.  We are getting anxious and excited, trying to get some things prepared ahead of time so we are runny around like crazy at the last minute.