James 1:27 " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "

Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's a Boy!!

We have received PA from the People's Republic of China to adopt a 10 month old little boy.  His name is Shen Kai Zuo.  We got the call from our agency January 17, the night when the new shared list was released and she said she had a found a little guy we might be interested in.  She told us that he wasn't quite 10 months old yet and he has a congential heart defect.  We were shocked we got a call because this was the first she had been able to look for us since our homestudy was just completed.  We chedked out his files and talked to some doctors about his heart and prayed like crazy.  We submitted our LOI (letter of intent) on January 20 and waited what we thought was a really long 6 days and we received our PA on January 26.  Now the real wait begins, because it will be several months before we get our TA (travel approval) and then actually travel.  We have lots to do in the mean time.  Here's the pictures that we have so far, we hope we will be able to get updates along the way and we will post them as well.


  1. He is absolutely adorable!!!
    Congratulations to you!
    I can't wait to follow your journey.


  2. How precious! My husband, Glen works with your dad. We're praying for your journey!

  3. Congratulations! He is beautiful.
    Jolene (kccmom on RQ)

  4. What a Cutie!!! Praying travel comes quick for you! We got our referral on the January list too but ours didn't come until the end of the week. You can see her on our blog =)

  5. Congrats on your beautiful little boy! Hoping for speedy travel! We hope to begin the paperchase for our 2nd child from China later this summer...this time for a boy. Can't wait...!

    btw....we're from MO too...central part.

  6. Oh, he's so beautiful! He is such a darling little boy! Our little girl has a CHD as well and is doing just great. Glad to see you on the We Are Grafted In forum (your blog address isn't right in your signature line -- blogspot has a typo, fyi).
