James 1:27 " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Sorry for the long delay between updates. We have been home for 2 weeks today and things are going really well. During the last part of our stay in Guangzhou Jamie and I both got sick, so we were really concerned how we were going to do on the really long trip home. But thanks to the prayers of many people we had a really good trip home and Carsen did extremely well. The past couple of weeks have been kinda busy. So far Carsen has been to church, the fair parade, football game, therapy and the doctor (of course). He also gained a new baby cousin, Lane, last Friday. He continues to do very well and opens up more and more each day. He seems to really be attaching to Jamie and I very well, he doesn't like for us to be out of his sight for very long. Before coming home one of our worries was how he would adjust to Max, our Cairn terrer, as he had never been around dogs at all. Well he LOVES Max and we think Max kinda likes him as well. Our trip to the pediatrician was pretty uneventful, except for the finding of an ear infection. We go back next week for our 18mth check up and to catch up on immunizations, so I'm thinking that one won't be as easy. Carsen will be evaluated by the cardiologist in November, so we will see what that will bring. Here are a few pics from our first days at home.

Off to my first football game!

Learning to feed myself

My favorite activity...bath time!

1 comment:

  1. Carsen is a doll baby!! So glad you gave me the link to your blog on the XZ group! Looking forward to watching him grow :)
