James 1:27 " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. "

Monday, September 5, 2011


Wow what a day! I don't really know how to explain it. We arrived at the civil affairs office before Carsen and were waiting with another couple for their little girl. We were standing in the lobby and I see a lady walking up with a little one in her arms and I realize it was Carsen. He has done fairly well. We were told he likes toys that make noise and light up. So we gave him a little phone that plays music and lights up, well until he became so tired he didn't know what else to do that phone was in his hand. When we got back to the hotel he began to play with some other things as well. Just like in the last pictures we received he really likes the beach ball as well. He has taken a liking to my phone already and played with the Tom the Cat app, which actually brought out a few giggles. Then shortly after that it was over, he was very tired from the long day and all the changes. He fought it very hard and cried for what seemed like forever. My heart just broke for him, because I knew he was so very scared. He is fast asleep right now, so we will see what happens when he wakes up. Here are a few pictures from today.


  1. Congratulations! He's so cute. He might cry and be afraid but if you continue to give him lots of patience and love, he'll start showing you his real self.

    Enjoy every moment.

  2. Oh, Yes! Congratulations on a beautiful day and your sweet son! So happy for all of you. Sweet peaceful night and wishing you a day of joy tomorrow.

  3. Oh my goodness, congratulations on your adorable son!!! It sounds like he did very well on his first day, (in spite of the bedtime crying) and I'll be praying for him to sleep through the night tonight. One day at a time of him learning about his new mama and baba, learning that he can trust you, and finally learning that he can love you! SO happy for you!!

    Jill G

  4. Caroline,
    You sent me a picture a couple weeks ago with your Carsen and our Maggie in the background. Can't believe you have him now! I am so excited for you! To see your pictures and read through the itinerary makes me so excited knowing our time is coming!! If you get to go to the orphanage please tell Maggie we love her and are coming soon as we can!
    Congrats again! He is adorable!! Praying for a smooth transition!
    Shari Barcalow
